Passive Voice Exercise


Change these active sentences into passive voice without the doer!
  1. Several industries clear rainforest land for their needs.
  2. Plants fertilise the soil to keep the soil rich in nutrients.
  3. Trees produce oxygen in photosynthesis process.
  4. We separate the waste into two organic and non organic
  5. Volcano eruptions can spew massive amounts of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere.


Passive Voice merupakan salah satu dari bentuk ekspresi mengutarakan pendapat, berbeda dengan active voice di mana subject melakukan tindakan kepada object-nya. Sementara di dalam bentuk pasif, object dari kalimat aktif berlaku menjadi subjek

Matter (Pembahasan)
Change these active sentences into passive voice without the doer
(Ubahlah kalimat-kalimat aktif berikut ini menjadi kalimat pasif tanpa menyebutkan pelaku)

  1. Several industries clear rainforest land for their needs = The rainforest land is cleared
  2. Plants fertilize the soil to keep the soil rich in nutrients = The soil is fertilized to keep it rich in nutrients
  3. Trees produce oxygen in photosynthesis process = Oxygen is produced in photosynthesis process
  4. We separate the waste into two organic and non organic = The waste is separated into two organic and non organic
  5. Volcano eruptions can spew massive amounts of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere = a massive amounts of sulfur dioxide can be spewed into the atmosphere

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